lördag 27 februari 2010
Le Marais
Sexy Latina!
onsdag 24 februari 2010
The best crêpes in Paris
måndag 22 februari 2010
Dans le noir
Back to my teens...
I tell you, my back hurt like someone hit me with a baseball bat and not to mention my head!Chernobyl explosion, hangover the size of Asia!
onsdag 17 februari 2010
L'école et les hommes français
My french is slowly improving. Very slowly... The hardest part is definitely to speak! Yesterday we were a group of people who sat down and did some home work at a (very expensive) café and it was really nice. Some Americans, a Brazilian, Madeleine and I. Later the two Madeleines went for crêpes since it was the day of the crêpes! Nutella and banana.. mmmm, très bon! We were supposed to go to jazz club with Helena but it had some event to which you needed tickets so we decided to go to Starbucks instead. Madeleines first time that's why! Feeling a little ill we just went home when they closed.
I just arrived home from my second date with l'homme français and I must admit I had a great time. Again. On sunday we are going out for a proper french dinner and I'm rather excited about it. I really didn't expect to meet a french guy because it seemed to be some cultural differences which I can't really describe but I guess I was wrong... I can't help falling for the french accent haha! It seems like he's playing everything by the books though, he does no wrongs, the drinks, the coffee, the conversations, the kissing (oh the kissing!), dinner and the possibility to you know what on the third date. Is this the french way or is he a player? With regard to my previous choices I would say he's a player. Then again, I'm only here for 4 months. Why not enter the game? ;)
Time for homework!
måndag 15 februari 2010
Phonetics test
I just received my mail. Lots of shit from the bank and then a strange little envelope, first I was like YES! its my package that has arrived from mum with my insurance card and french books etc but when I open it it's this:
Very cute... I have a quite a good idea of who sent it even though there are no signs... Thank you so much charmer! ;)
I'll just finish off with some pics from yesterday...
söndag 14 februari 2010
Marché à Bastille et Clignancourt
This morning Mika and Madeleine called me at 9.00 to go to Bastille market and I dragged Helena with me! Surprisingly awake we arrived at the market and found so many cheap rings, actually really nice things for almost nothing! I bought four rings, a key ring and a neckless for mum (which I will use until I see her=P). They had lots of fruits, vegetables and foods but I will have a look to see what is actually cheaper at the market and what's not. We met up with Madeleine and Mika and continued our beautiful day in Clignancourt market. You have to be careful because first there is a market, a tourist market which most people never get past because they think it is it BUT(!) walk past it! Don't even go in, it's just more expensive than even some of the tourist shops in Montmartre! Keep going under the bridge and you will find the real market. I spent 26 euros and for that I got three paris of shoes(!) and a ring. Not bad huh?! But more than that it is just amazing to walk through the antiques. Seriously, there are some aboslutely beautiful artifacts, chairs, mirrors, little tables etc etc. There are second hand shops filled with Chanel, Louis Vuitton and other brands and lots of old fur coats for not very much. There is simple something for everyone and even if you do not find anything to buy (yeah good luck with that) you will enjoy the pure walk through the old market quarter, there is something about it. But make sure to be there early because after 13-14 it is crowded with people!
Finally I just want to thank Helena, Madeleine, Mika and Alejandra for such a wonderful day! ♥
fredag 12 februari 2010
So I run to a bus station, nothing, back into the metro and its about 13.47 (believe I was counting seconds!). The nice ldy at the desk shows me that I can take another way, but I needed to change 3 times, 2 metros and one RER. Fine I thought, I'm down with the Parisian metro system! So, again, I run towards the metro and just managed to squeeze myself in between the doors. Thinking that I might just make it and took a deep breathe of relief and realised I'm going the wrong direction... Haha, I just had to admit defeat and deal with the fact that I was going to be the girl who was late for the first class.
Luckily I wasn't the only one who got a bit lost, and I can tell you after today's lesson that I seem to at least made an impression on my teacher because my name is the first she remembers =) Score! (or something...)
The night out was wicked. Me, Mika and our assistant Madeleine made dinner, which apparently approved me for marriage according to the mexican Enrique, yay I guess haha! Wine, cheese, dinner, chocolate cake and rum and coke prepared us for a night at club mix in Montparnasse. Santé for a great night guys!
onsdag 10 februari 2010
Paris and schedule

Today I received my schedule and I have class everyday from 14.00 to 16.00. That's great! I can go out and not be tired for my lesson, have time to do my home work, really I'm happy. Best thing though.... I don't have to fight for the shower in the morning! Hell yeah! Tomorrow is my first class so keep your fingers crossed that I have some cool people in my class!
Last thing, I booked my tickets for London, I'll be there 25-29 March, so if you are there give me a call! On my french number if you have it =) Hanna you should totally come to London! =D
À bientôt mes amis!
måndag 8 februari 2010
I started with going to two different food stores to find the cheapest prices of the shopping for the week. I came home, baked a quiche au feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes and chicken. Yummy! I have cleaned the entire floor, washed towels and bedlinens and cleaned the kitchen. After that I made lunch; chicken with rice and a mushroom sauce that I made from the foundation. I'm actually getting to like cooking...
To finish off my very housewifey day I fixed my nails. Reading this it really doesn't sound like me at all! I must have changed a bit since I last looked in the mirror...
söndag 7 februari 2010
La Vallée Village and IKEA
Me, Madeleine and Joseph, a guy from Madeleines school went to the outlet close to Disneyland called La Vallée Village to look for real bargains in some of the top brands' stores; Armani, Missoni, Versace, Burberry, Jimmy Choo etc. It was heaven. (Getting to "heaven" is really easy; grab RER A4 to Disneyland and get off the stop before called Val d'Europe. There is a free shuttle bus taking you to the outlet but it is seriously at a 5 min walking distance!) However, some of the prices were still far from heavenly... I was disappointed of the Jimmy Choo store, I was really hoping to land a pair of gorgeous heels to strut around Paris with but no... Not to despair though, Diane von Furstenberg came to a rescue! I found some gorgeous things that I actually "need"...
The belt is from Ralph Lauren, and the other beautiful garments are from DvF. I am still in denial of how much I have spent today....
After the outlet me and Madeleine wet to Ikea, we are pros at the Parisian public transport now! Some swedish food and a mirror later we were finally ready to go home... There were a lot of weird looks following us through our journey back to the house, walking around with lots of brand bags and a mirror, Madeleine was afraid of getting her things stolen so she squeezed all her purchases into a H&M bag and pressed it to the bottom of her bag! I took my chances and it all went well thankfully =)
Bed bed bed bed bed.............
lördag 6 februari 2010
The Perfect Day
Now comes the tale of the tremendously lovely day and evening and night. The day began with me and Mika, our german flat mate, went into the city to visit Le Louvre (again I know). We got one of the tour-guide-in-a-box with hed phones and learned about the history of the Louvre and the Egyptian antiquities. That is all we managed in 3 hours... Hungry and satisfyingly exhausted we decided to call it a day and go for a coffee. Luckily our tour guide broke just before returning it so I will get one for free next time I visit any museum...
tisdag 2 februari 2010
Les Quatre Temps et West Coast Swing
Visiting Madeleine at her school Leonardo da Vinci. A massive complex with security guards and gates which requires a student card to enter. If you forget your card you are not allowed to enter the school even if the guard and reception recognises you, meaning you will miss your class meaning that 25 % of half your grade will be removed. Miss two classes and 50 % is removed, miss three and it's all gone and you need to write 20/20 on the exam... And that my friends apparently never happens. Better not forget you card.... It's going to be interesting to see what crazy rules Sorbonne has to throw me...
My second buy in Paris. It will be great for le primtemps à Paris!
To finish off I just want to say that I went to a West Coast Swing course tonight and dancing is great because everybody (almost) speaks it! I will definitely continue going!