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lördag 27 februari 2010

Le Marais

Me and Madeleine reluctantly dragged our arses up this morning at 10(!), quite an achievement seeing that we went to sleep at 5 and woke up about 9.21 (phone vibration felt like an earthquake!). We had delicious pancakes for breakfast, inaugurating our new pan from Ikea (purchased for a ridiculous amount of 3 euros)... Tired and worn out, nothing could stop us from spending the beautiful day in Paris! We decided to finally go to Le Marais to locate some good second-hand/vintage boutiques. We got off at Saint Paul (L1) and started walking, at first the result seemed gloomy but we managed to find rue de Rosiers and the parallel street where they were hiding many good little boutiques and also the Danish "Cos" which was surprisingly good! Nice clothes, seemed like good quality but pas cher! I found a cute little summer dress, blue and white patterned and a scarf (what a surprise...). I will definitely head back to Le Marais in march, when I can start spending again according to my budget (which I'm already about 150 euros over...). But! Already now the tourists are swarming the streets so if you want to be able to breathe in the stores be there in the morning!

Being tired and hungry, the tourists just made us even more irritated so we sat down at Le Petit Pont by Notre Dame and had a coffee.

Madeleine tried espresso, determined to start drinking coffee, but after half the espresso (with lots of sugar in it!) she gave up...

By this time the lack of sleep really started to affect us, Madeleine tripped and cursed everyone and everything in her way and I couldn't stop giggling... On the way to Helena's place we stopped at BodyShop and got the shower cream, 2 for 10 euros, bargain! And Madeleine tried to give herself a sugar kick with some Ben and Jerry's (didn't work though =P)
We were supposed to go to Enriques place for some predrinks and then to some party but no... no no no, home, bed, sleep! (still wondering why I'm not yet asleep..?)

In the big metro stations etc there are these military guards with massive machine guns which really freaked me out the first few weeks. Still do for that matter! I sure wouldn't want them after me... And I've wanted to take a picture of them but you are not allowed to so unfortunately we haven't been able to. Until now! Madeleine with her big smile managed to convince a group of them to sneak a picture so here we go! I'm so happy they agreed! Obviously so is Madeleine ;)

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