Those of you who really know me are aware of the fact that I am not so fond of the American food chains, fatty, slobby, greesy you know the deal... All my life I have managed to avoid to the greatest extent possible (loving McDonalds as a child doesn't count because you are very vulnerable to the media!) all the big chains, and so I have done proudly! And now, my dear friends, I have become a sell-out.
The last week I have been to... Starbucks... more times than I have in my entire life. A total of two times! In one week. In the country KNOWN for its small and cosy cafés, they're frickin everywhere and I go to... Starbucks... I am not proud. I used to make fun of the oversized coffee and fabricated edibles and here I am in PARIS sitting at frickin... Starbucks drinking sell-out coffee. I should be deported back to Sweden... But the truth is that their coffee is cheaper and bigger, so really I'm getting more for the price, and all of them have internet and couches. Couches are good, comfortable. Oh who am I fooling. I will stop going to Starbucks. And even if I don't I will never, mark my words, NEVER stop hating it.

I must admit that I feel a bit lost in Paris. I have figured out that it's the language barrier. All other countries I've visited or lived in have been english speaking, so I understand everything I hear around me and I can ask and say anything I want. Even if the countries haven't been english speaking I've had someone with me who understands. Well having someone with you makes you feel a bit safer whichever the language is. But now, here, I don't understand barely anything and I know no one yet. It's a bit scary and a bit lonely. But the knowing no one part I've done before and that's exciting, but the language barrier I've never had. That freaks me out a bit.
I met this guy on my way home today, he barely speaks english I barely speaks french and my first instinct was to ignore him. Then I thought, well I don't know anyone so what the hell. I told him I had a boyfriend but that a coffee would be nice. Now, I know that he doesn't care about the boyfriend thing but it's at least a protective barrier... The best scenario would be: we become friends and I get to meet his female friends and hang out with them and learn french. The more likely scenario: it's very awkward because we don't understand each other, he tries to hit on me and make it even more awkward. Worst case scenario: he kidnaps me, rapes me and kills me.
But how will you meet people if you keep expecting the worst case scenario? I think each city has its number of mentals but its evenly divided according to the city's number of inhabitants. So if Eskilstuna has 100 000 (90+ i know...) and 1% are mental that makes 1000 nutheads. In Paris (not surroundings) 2 million x 1% = 20 000 psychopaths but the odds of me meeting one is still the same. The theory have flaws, I am aware but it's just a theory. We'll see when tomorrow comes, if I go I hope I return alive...
It's raining in Paris. I wish I would walk around with this:
It's classic. It's parisian. It's fabulous.