I'm in Paris.
And I'm writing my first uhm how do you say it? published text in a blog? Right, the first proof of my inability to blog... Anyhow, not of importance!
France is as I imagined. The wine, the food, the art, the culture, the fashion, the French...
Seriously, the French. How can the French pull off being known as the most charming and romantic gentlemen while at the same time have a rumour of being completely and utterly RUDE?! (it's true) Excuse moi? Not in Paris... This is how I felt the first few days in Paris. And how I still feel. However, now I know that in certain places, like la quartier Latin people are usually kinder. I also do not take it personally.
The fashion I can't really say anything about because I'm broke and Paris is so frickin expensive it is ridiculous! Who pays 4,5 euros for a cappuccino?! In France you'd think they'd react on the nonsensically overpriced coffee when they protest about everything else...
However, when you look at it at a more positive manner... Wine is actually cheaper than coffee which gives you yet another reason to choose a glass of tasty red wine. Adding to that my level of alcohol tolerance and voila I'll be saving heaps! Wicked...
I could go on forever because I don't really know how to end a... "blogtext"... but I consider myself having more important things to do like study the Paris pas cher (great book!) and watch How I met you mother (great show!) so
à bientôt mes amis!
Oh, by the way, Paris is awesome!!
Vad mysigt att läsa lite om dig, och vad kul att du trivs där du är! // Kim Dywling