Today we have been complete tourists! We began the day with visiting Notre Dame. I've been there before but it still blows my mind, the architecture is amazing! There is just one thing that bothers me. They still haven't removed the frickin christmas tree outside! Seriously it's almost February! Get a move on!

We went to the international mass and it was quite moving even for a non-believer to witness and be part of the ceremony. The economic situation is apparently tearing the church's finances also and believe me, they are really milking it...
We continued our touristic route visiting the Parisian market above Montmartre. There were men selling fake purses everywhere and big stores with leather and fur jackets. It wasn't cheap though! Excepts for Converse and shoes, so cheap! 350 SEK for a pair of Converse and Keds! So I made my first purchase here. Guess what?!
Correct! A pair of shoes! =D 10 euros such a bargain!
Afterwards we walked and walked to get to Sacre Coeur. We asked an old lady for the way at a crossroads (all in french, yay me!) and she said montez montez montez up the stairs. I actually managed to have a quite a long conversation, well maybe not convo since I said about three sentences but she was very talkative!
So we started climbing those stairs and we climbed and climbed and climbed. It was the exercise of the week! Except that I was the gym friday and since I haven't been going to the gym regularly for a year I just pushed myself to my previous levels and oh my gosh my arms are killing me! I could barely put my hair up this morning. At least I got value for the money I spent (and it costs a lot)
We arrived to Sacre Coeur and what is there really to say. It is amazing. Again it was a mass inside and there was a choir singing, so beautifully.
That was it for today...
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