(Outside the tents in the Tuileries)
We left the Tuileries, comforted ourselves with buying a new ring each (I know...), and went to Starbucks. We managed to get the best seats, big couches by the window where we could stare at the people passing and I actually finished two parts of my presentation! After a while Helena joined us and it was a proper nice Sunday afternoon! Back at Helenas place, her room mate told a rather horrible story about her Saturday night. Apparently she went to a party with a friend, where a guy fell out of the window. From the seventh story. Obviously he didn't make it. So she spent the whole Saturday night and Sunday morning at a police station where they weren't very kind... Terrible story and even though she didn't know the person, or anyone else there for that matter, the experience was, as you can understand, traumatising.
On the way home Madeleine receives a message that Greg and the girls can get us into the Givenchy show, but I'm heading to a friend and she's already home and will in no way make it into town! AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Where is Luck when you need her?
The quiet Sunday night became anything but quiet! Me, Vincent, his cousin and some friends went to Banana café again.
It was "Pimp my banana" night! So the night quickly went into a land of wild dancing, gay gogo dancers, actually lots of handsome gay men, lots of alcohol (too much) and lots and lots of fun! Going to sleep at 6 am and getting up at 9 am to finish the presentation I was going to hold that same day was Torture.
Sitting at Starbucks to write my presentation (always at the last minute!) I meet an old man who's been a teacher in french, english and german AND he has lived in Norway for a while and therefore knows norwegian. He was very nice and he helped me correct my presentation. I got a très bien for it! =D A decent achievement for a very hung-over and sleep deprived person. While on the issue of sleep deprivation, good night...
Nemen hej gumman! Så har man hittat hit till din blogg också! Verkar som att du trivs i storstan;)Kul o få läsa lite om dina äventyr! Ha så kul nu o ring mig gärna om du kommer hem till svedala o åker till eskilstuna nåt, eller varför inte Uppsala? :) Keep up the good work, du e sjukt het!!! Pussar från din gamla Bonde Bella